this is how to ACTUALLY “glow-up”

Social media outwardly instills in so many impressionable girls the urge or desire to “glow-up.” Even my younger sister who’s only 13 asks me how she can “glow-up”, and at 18 years old, I often catch myself falling into the seemingly perpetual rabbit-hole of researching skin care, eating habits or workout routines to implement them into my own lifestyle for this same means. 

This isn’t necessarily bad, because taking care of ourselves physically can manifest itself mentally too. When we look better, we feel better. 

But I’ve realized that glowing-up is actually a state-of-mind.

I noticed the biggest difference in my physical appearance when I started catering to my own intrinsic, emotional well-being, learning to love myself and discovering a greater sense of who I was.

So much of this genuinely just comes with maturity and time, but my theory is that confidence and the energy you portray is so much more important than what you look like. 

When I began loving myself more, becoming more comfortable in my own skin and gained a sense of self-worth, I started to not only receive more male attention (which is arbitrary, I know, but if you need a basis to prove this theory: there is your confirmation), but more importantly noticed differences in my physical appearance also. 

And that’s because it all starts in your head.

If you’re going to the gym, for example, simply to see results, you won’t go consistently and will fail to see the results you desire. But if you’re going because you like the way it makes you feel and you want to become stronger, then not only will your body become healthier but your mind will as an extension. 

I noticed that when I was sad and lacked-confidence, it genuinely made my skin worse. I had poor eating habits because of this too, which definitely affected how I looked. But the moment I started doing the INNER-WORK, it manifested itself outwardly too. 

This is a difficult thing for a lot of girls to understand, which I completely get. People want something that’s a “quick-fix” and gives them results instantly. But everything takes time – “glowing-up” included. 

My main goal has become to be the most radiating, positive and kind version of myself I can possibly be. I want to make those around me feel loved and cared for. I want to be remembered – not for a face and body that will eventually wrinkle and age – but for my heart and WHO I am. 

The moment I truly adopted this perspective is when I noticed my external body change. 

Some ways I’ve done this is by engaging in things I LOVE, and surrounding myself with people that I love just as much. 

I cannot stress this enough, but when you find other outlets to pour your energy and passions into, you feel so much better about yourself. 

Start reading good books or watching movies that alter your perspective on the world around you. Start writing poetry, even if you’re bad at it. Start painting or drawing, or start a business, even if it fails. Hangout and do spontaneous things with those you care about, and don’t forget to remind them that you do.

Start doing things for YOU and your BRAIN rather than your body. All of the external alterations will follow, I promise. 

That being said, there are definitely some things you can implement to speed up your “glow-up” that aren’t mental. 

Here is a quick list that I focus on in my own life :)

♡ Take care of your hygiene

♡ Start painting your nails and taking care of them

♡ Focus on the clothes you wear (if you want to!) and try to wear things that not only make you feel confident, but make you look put-together and cute 

♡ Take care of your skin

♡ Start eating healthy. This doesn’t mean going on a diet or counting your calories, but rather ensuring you’re eating enough fruits, vegetables, protein, etc. 

♡ Move your body!!! Even if it’s just going for a walk somewhere.

♡ Exude confidence. This is probably the biggest one, but takes time. 

The thing is though: all of these aspects of your daily life become so much simpler when you work on the way you think first. 

I want to end by saying that the whole basis of this perspective is in the knowledge that you don’t NEED to glow up. You are perfect just the way you are, and growing and morphing into the greatest version of yourself is just that: a VERSION of you that is already there. 

♡ Sophia Rundle


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