why you should not snapchat guys

This blog’s purpose isn’t to shame girls that snapchats guys at all.

However, as somebody that used to be the type of person to snapchat hundreds of guys and base my self-worth on their attention or compliments, I definitely have strong opinions in regards to this topic.

It’s normal and often harmelss in todays age to snapchat and flirt with boys casually. It’s a way for people to meet at the very least, and I know a lot of my friends who have found their current boyfriends or even made friendships simply by snapping mass amounts of people.

But I’ve also seen the negative impacts of this, too — even within my old-self.

Snapping guys and recieving the instant gratification of their attention serves as a “dopamine hit”, which formed it’s own addiciton, of sorts. This was especially prominent when I already lacked a high-level of self-esteem or self-love, and was doing it from a place of insecurity.

I only had the URGE or desire to snapchat guys when I wasn’t happy with my self. When I didn’t believe I was physically attractive, I would use guys’s words of affirmation as a boost.

But this didn’t help.

I actually learned how to love myself MORE when I completely stopped using Snapchat for this purpose, and chose to find the qualities within myself that I appreciate and cherish.

I spent the hour or two I used daily on snapchat, and instead poured that energy into things that made ME feel better about myself: I read, wrote, studied and did school work, worked on my various projects, went to the gym, focused on self-care or hungout with people that actually loved me.

What really instilled this sense of prioritization in me was this quote.

"A womens passion isn’t meant to be put towards boys, but rather their art — in whatever form.”

The toxicity surrounding Snapchat “culture” is another reason I stopped using it. I watched so many of my friends get hooked on the feeling of praise from random guys, and get attached to them in the process.

When one guy wouldn’t respond, they’d be checking their location constantly and become visibly anxious. In general, I think Snapchat is simply a breeding ground for manipulative boys.

Like I said, this isn’t the case all the time, but I think it’s important that girls ask themselves WHY they feel the need to snapchat boys.

If it’s simply to meet people or to find a future relationship — Snapchat isn’t a “bad” thing. But I think a lot of people lie to themselves when they claim that that’s its only purpose.

I now am at a place in my life where I don’t need the crutch of other boys for validation — it’s something that I can find within myself. I know my worth because of the things I do and the type of person I am.

Not because of what some boy tells me about my physical appearance.


this is how to ACTUALLY “glow-up”


why i take pictures of literally everything and everyone