it’s okay to be lazy sometimes

Do you ever get motivational videos, like “hope-core” on your TikTok feed at 2 am? Or watch a YouTuber's day in the life and automatically feel unproductive?

I have to say, those are the videos that make me want to delete all of my social media and go to bed. 

We all live at different rates. This applies to all aspects of your life – Your friend gets a math problem faster than you, or applies to seven colleges when you only have enough energy to apply to two.

Not everyone has to finish an essay to be productive, small tasks like making your bed or simply getting out of your bed count too. 

Start small, go brush your teeth, and make a meal. Even though it isn’t running a mile, it will still make you feel a little better.

And even if you are too tired to do so, it’s okay. It’s okay to be lazy sometimes and rot in your bed while scrolling on social media.

Do one thing at a time, whenever you are ready. The world will stay the same. 

If you ever need someone to talk to, you can email me or DM my Instagram @miaasugimoto – they are always open <3. 


23 things i’ve learned in 2023


the people you idiolize usually aren’t as happy as you think they are.